Wednesday 29 October 2014

Class notes April 2014: grappling from the pummel

Grappling from the pummel: The techniques we looked at tonight can be labelled loosely for memories sake, and even now only a few hours later I am struggling to remember all the variations. I think this is because it for me was about flow and not individual moments.

The individual positions were from the Thai clinch:
Headlock take down,
Chicken wing,
Standing Kimura,
Bail out and strike,
Two hand to One shoulder control.

There was a few more but 2 things stick in my mind, the corrections for the Thai clinch and the concept of flow. For the Thai clinch we were reminded about weight distribution - have weight in the back leg so the front can start to knee. Heaviness - put your weight through the top of their head, let them carry you. Squeezing forearms - clamp down as being in the Thai clinch is murder. No technique is worth fighting for. Don't stay and fight for a technique or a position, if it is not there or working, go to something else. Be fluid and keep moving but with control. Don't resist the resister. This was something me and Tristan had time to play with. Starting from the half Thai clinch, we would take it in turns to see what we could get, always going back to the Thai clinch if it was there. Being the one being moved around is quite alarming as you have not time to get set, you are always thinking about defending, about moving away from the pressure, the pain or escaping too. What was most refreshing about this part of the class was Martin's honesty. He said that what he was teaching was messy, few people teach messy as people like crisp, neat and tidy. But rarely to thing look neat and tidy in the chaos of combat. Messy in the visual sense not in the practical sense. Here is a video that is a stylised version of what we were doing and i can see many of the positions we trained in this drill.

The final part of the grappling tonight was countering the double wrist lock. Change levels and secure a hip capture palm to palm grip

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