Tuesday 28 October 2014

Class notes December 2011: compression submissions

There are 5 types of submissions:

Either side of neck stopping the blood. 10 seconds or less for a result

Choke: Front of neck on throat stopping air to lungs and brains. Harder to pull off as it is dependent on how long they can physically and mentally hold their breath for.

Extension: Looking to cause dislocation of elbow, knee and ankle joints.

Rotation: To ball and socket joints.

Compression: Using your bones against the soft tissue of their body causing lots of pain.

So tonight we looked a 3 compressions as they are the most advanced, hardest to be successful wife and simply the submission type that is least focussed on. From my perspective I have never done them before and not really done to me so they are not on my radar, until now.

Calf compression from top centre control: Heel to heel under their legs, feed one instep over their thigh, manipulate the arm to extend above their head to give them extra things to think about. Turn towards your feet and ensure your shin in tight in behind their knee and calf. Look to grab the foot and pull towards yourself. Your shin bone will compress the back quarter side of their calf causing plenty of distress. Key is keeping weight on them throughout the transition to the leg to avoid escape.

Bicep compression from top centre control: Feed an arm across his neck and put your weight on this. Already this is an unpleasant feeling from the bottom position. Secure your elbows on the floor either side of his head, palms on the mat too. Same side as arm across, feed your arm through the armpit on to the side of his face so that your palm is on his ear. Now move your elbow back onto his ribs to apply pressure to the bicep. Now grip palm to palm and turn the hands to the sky to finish the compression. If not working you can put the top hand on top of his forearm to cinch it in even tighter.

Calf suppression from sitting centre control: Sitting on his belly turn towards his legs and drive the forearm behind on of his knees. Then use your other side leg to trap your arm in position. Then use your other leg to complete the hold. It looks like a suppression (triangle) of your own arm and his leg. Fall to your shoulder and turn the forearm towards the soft tissue of the calf. Tight and nasty

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